For those whose lives are interesting enough never to have come across a foot pod before I'll explain what it is. It's about the size of large cigarette lighter and it clips to your laces. When in use it transmits a signal to my Polar hear rate monitor / watch which then records the speed and distance travelled. I can then download this info to my computer and see how I've done over the course of a run. Bet you all want one now.
So to find it I just need to download yesterday's run to see at what distance it disappeared then buy another one and run the same route for that same distance and voila! there it will be (within a few yards assuming I've calibrated the new one the same as the old one).
Nearly new foot pod anyone?
But a garmin forerunner 305 instead! No calibrating! ;-)
If only I could, but in the events I do (OMM etc) I'd get disqualified (quite rightly as they are navigation events). We got disqualified last year for not carrying our gas back to the end - a new rule which we didn't bother to read :o(
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