Tuesday, 2 September 2008


Back to Plan A. I’ve managed to acquire a place from the wonderful Agnes of Germany who is not able to run this year (although still waiting for my name to appear on the definitive startlist. Good luck for next year Agnes! Thanks to all those who offered me advice on this: Umberto, Thanh, Richard.

So, about those niggly calf muscles. I’m not sure why but I’ll be fine for around an hour then one or both of my calf muscles just tighten up in a worrying ‘just about to tear’ sort of way. Interestingly if I ignore it it doesn’t seem to get any worse but there’s still that awful feeling that they could go at any minute. My mitigation strategy is to spend this week stretching them and then to invest in some of those natty compression stockings. I’m hoping that they sell them at the JM exhibition as they did last year.

Training wise I’ll just be going for a steady run on Wednesday night.

Wish me luck.

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